Tuesday 22 March 2011

Foundation Framework

In this post we will have a look at the foundation framework and why it is used in all the iPhone projects.

You must be familiar with the header


The above line means that you will be using some of the classes from the Foundation Framework, The objective C foundation framework is a set of classes that are provided to ease the developers in developing the applications.

The foundation framework was developed by the organization called as the NEXT computers as a part of their NEXTStep environment. When Next was taken over by Apple Inc then the developers at Apple used Foundation framework as a part of the development for MAC OS X and after the success of MAC OS X they used it for the development for iPhone development kit.

Since the foundation framework took birth at NEXT all the classes which are present and in the foundation framework begin with the letters "NS".

While working with objective c you always inherit the class NSObject, the NSObject class is a part of the Foundation Framework and as you become more familiar with the framework you will learn that most Foundation classes are derived from this class. 

In order to know more about the foundation framework you can click here

BitCode hopes that this post has helped you in clearing your concepts regarding the foundation framework. You can post your queries at bitcode.pune@gmail.com for any technical assistance.

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